Продам кондитерский подсолнечник Рейна-К (Конфета), некалиброванную ( сырье, выход крупности - 9+ - 82%, 8+ - 10%, менее 8 и отход - 8%) , фасовка по желанию покупателя (объем - 2500 тонн), самовывозом с предприятия , без посредников. I will sell the pastry sunflower we have the opportunity to calibrate and pack under the wishes of customer, Cherkassy, Ukraine
Company the producer of agricultural produce searches partners in the countries of Asia and Europe. We a company working at the internal market from 2004, a land-bank makes more than 5 thousands hectare. We have the opportunity to grow products under a concrete customer in necessary volumes and also to organize delivery (by a motor, marine transport) to the customer with registration of necessary documentation. If you were interested by Our suggestion or you have ideas about a collaboration - write, we will discuss : em_1@agroproftrade.com, моб. +380xxxxxx We will be soviet to the collaboration